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Montessori Belfield | Text
Location Belfield, Sydney
Type Adaptive reuse to create a new Childcare Centre
Size 741m2
Status DA Approved


Located in Sydney’s Inner West within a predominantly residential neighbourhood, this project transforms an existing, vacant RSL Club into a childcare centre for 92 children. A series of strategic interventions reimagine a previously dark and introverted structure, to create a bright and welcoming environment for future users to enjoy.

An initial appraisal of the existing condition identified those elements of merit to retain, and those of detriment to remove. The ensuing process of ‘subtraction’ strategically carved large voids into the existing mass, allowing light to penetrate deep into the structure and offer improved outlook from within.

Further processes of ‘insertion’, ‘incision’ and ‘addition’ were identified as necessary to meet the new brief. Whilst each addresses a different practical requirement, all adopt a considered and consistent use of material and colour, clearly defining ‘new from old’ and developing a language that makes legible the adaptive process and creates a distinct identity for the new Childcare Centre.

New accommodation inserted within the retained mass, is set alongside a series of new single and double height voids, carved out of the volume. Flooded with daylight and open to the air, these accommodate new external playspaces and greenery on varying levels, all located in close proximity to classrooms.

Changes to the building’s exterior are deliberately limited and focused, with strategic openings formed in the facade, allowing glimpses through to the transformation within. At strategic points the vibrant palette of the ‘interior’ breaks through to engage and entice, drawing analogies from children’s literature, of stepping into another world, a place of surprise and wonder beyond the everyday surroundings.

The project illustrates how existing structures designed for one purpose and a particular demographic, can, through well considered design, be successfully adapted to serve other groups within the same community.