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Ventura Ave | Text
Location Ventura Avenue, Miranda, Sydney
Type New build, multi-dwelling development (providing 8 new homes)
Size 452m2
Status DA Approved


Delivered under the NSW SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009, this project for affordable infill housing, provides 8 new residential dwellings in Sydney’s south.

Whilst the site is located within an historically suburban context, the area, which has an R3 Medium Density zoning, is undergoing a gradual transformation to reflect Council’s desired future character. This project looks to how this emerging densification, can be balanced with referencing positive aspects of the existing context.

Following the site’s topography, accommodation is broken into four distinct parts that step sequentially from front to back, breaking up the overall mass and reducing impact on neighbours. The two units located to the front, sit one above the other and positively address the primary streetscape. Behind these sit three pairs of 1 bedroom townhouses.

The design adopts a clean and simple, contemporary aesthetic, deliberately minimising bulk whilst referencing the character of the area. Clear datums are expressed and enhanced through a limited palette of materials. Floating above a ground floor of good quality brickwork, first floor accommodation is clad in a dark timber, it’s façade stepping forward on alternate dwellings to provide another degree of articulation and strategic shading to glazing below.

Highlights of bronze metalwork provide a tactile warmth throughout, including bespoke screens developed for upper floor windows. Through studies of progression and gradation, these carefully balance neighbours privacy with good outlook and daylight levels for residents.

Elsewhere fully retractable, floor to ceiling glazing affords each dwelling access to it’s own private outdoor amenity space, and allows internal living spaces to spill out into compact yet carefully crafted gardens, abundant with extensive planting.

By achieving a high-level of design on a comparatively tight suburban site, and within a clearly defined budget, the proposals aim to ensure a good quality outcome for both Client and future residents alike.